Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Postcards from theTrail

Barb and Colene have been working hard on their iTREC! Postcard Project and they would like to hear from you!  Please see their message below...

Dear iTREC! Teachers -

We have developed a postcard template which you can down load here.  Please scan pictures or photos and incsert into the left section of the postcard.  On the right side of the card, we would like to have each teacher write about and expereicen you ahve had on the Iditarod National Historic Trail.  We also would like to have you design your own stame that is unique to your area.  On the lines, please fill in your name and location.  If you need more space for writing, feel free to use some of the space on the picture side, or just switch the picture and text side as needed.  Also, if you want to use original are, let us know and you can mail it to us and we will make sure that it gets scanned.

We realize everyone is busy and it is a crazy time of year, but we need all final postcards by September 30th so we can have 2011 calendars ready for the November workshop.  Please email your final postcard to either Colene or Barb and we will get them off to Annette for publication.  Thanks so much for helping to make our first iTREC! calendar happen!  Hope your start to the new school year has been a good one.  See you in November!  Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Colene Mead and Barb Johnson

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